Our Quran Tools now have 2 mode: Surat and juz!
Alhamdulillaahilladzii bini'matihii tatimmush-shaalihaat Today i went working even if though I'm feeling unwell. Pardon me i have to rest many times in the musholla and masjid As Salaam, please pray…
Alhamdulillaahilladzii bini'matihii tatimmush-shaalihaat Today i went working even if though I'm feeling unwell. Pardon me i have to rest many times in the musholla and masjid As Salaam, please pray…
Alhamdulillaahilladzii bini'matihii tatimmush-shaalihaat.. Yes, now you can try it. Go to https://keren.bangetz.com/quran/juz/1 for juz 1, or any juz by changing the variabel 1 into juz number you want to read.…
﷽ Subhaanallaah, walhamdulillaah, astaghfirullaah, Allaahumma shalli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.. Assalaamu'alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.. Sebagai tulisan pertama setelah Hello World, setelah mengaktifkan kembali blog keren.bangetz.com ini, kali ini saya akan…
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